nostr ‘Signed JSON Relayed Over Websockets (SJROWS)’ - my latest attempt at trying to make #nostr sound as technically boring as possible.… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 1:52 PM
nostr This is from a paper I wrote back in 2019 (and it’s actually published in a book!) before #nostr was invented. You can see why I was floored by @fiatjaf ‘s invention because it put the ‘locus of control’ back into the hands of the user. In terms of… Tim Bouma Feb 8, 2025, 10:57 AM
nostr This is what #nostr fixes. This is a quote to the preface of the book, Re-thinking PKI, written by Stefan Brands in 2000. Brands is a similar vintage as Adam Back. He had a very promising privacy-preserving technology until it was bought by Microsoft.… Tim Bouma Feb 7, 2025, 12:16 PM
nostr The Linked experts are now proposing captchas for emails. I feel like we are approaching escape velocity with what we can achieve with #nostr.… Tim Bouma Feb 6, 2025, 8:42 PM
nostr It can't be overstated - the reason thus can be done is that the #nostr protocol blows out the door any power asymmetry due the tech and/or platform. In this use case, the patient has as much power as the physician - the platform can't enforce any Tim Bouma Feb 6, 2025, 8:00 PM
nostr Today, on the @nosfabrica call, I successfully demonstrated the use case of what I call “Patient Zero to Nostr Hero”. It was a health consultation over a Zoom call where the patient was on-boarded to a new wallet, used that wallet to authenticate over zoom, consultation completed and resulting… Tim Bouma Feb 6, 2025, 7:36 PM
nostr What is truly wild about #nostr is that everyone is a peer. So it doesn't matter if the client initiates the authentication transaction or the provider. So I built both options - especially good for a provider (physician) who has a crappy desktop without a camera, but the patient Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 9:21 PM
nostr I view what we are doing with #nostr is at this level. Like chess, the strategic game is a game of perfect information. What’s hidden is only in the minds of the opponents who have no choice but to abide by the Laws of Chess. We’re up against… Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 8:24 PM
nostr I'll say it again. Nostr Signed JSON events are the machine screws of an entirely new digital platform. No manufacturer in their right mind would ever manufacturer their own screws (except the screw manufacturers) Meanwhile, all these digital trust and digital public infrastructure vendors are building with bespoke Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 6:54 PM
nostr I got a crapload of zaps today. I must be doing something right. #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 6:37 PM
nostr One thing I am building and generalizing is secure transmittal of sensitive documents. It’s basically NIP-17 with a few tweaks - I have an event kind to transmit the documents, and another event kind to facilitate the authentication between sender and receiver (patient and doctor). Keeping it separate from… Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 2:44 PM
nostr I never dreamed it was possible, but #nostr is enabling me to build a whole secure open health data interchange platform where the users owner their data. Don’t believe me? I’ll be demoing tomorrow to a whole bunch of doctors doing a simulated consultation via zoom. For more… Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 1:30 PM
nostr Lightning makes a wallet cool, but Nostr makes it wicked! Getting ready to demo the secure transmittal and storage of health records. It works. All done with NIP-17 transmittal channels (as I am calling them). Like DMs but dedicated for health records. As the project progresses, #nostr #safebox is… Tim Bouma Feb 5, 2025, 1:01 PM
nostr #nostr is just signed JSON over websockets with a few conventions. Don't underestimate the genius of that simplicity. You can build unbeatable systems. Thanks @fiatjaf for inventing #nostr !… Tim Bouma Feb 3, 2025, 2:51 PM
nostr The UK is on track to roll out a government super app. Likewise, Musk is getting ready to roll out the same in the US. Act accordingly, use #nostr… Tim Bouma Feb 3, 2025, 12:53 PM
nostr Working on a feature that enables secure transmittal of records from a physician's #nostr #safebox to a #patient's safebox. I am 99.7% certain that this secure. Why? I am 99.99999% certain of the security of NIP-17 and NIP-44 which I have implemented Tim Bouma Feb 3, 2025, 12:03 PM
nostr #nostr #safebox for health is becoming real. Health records are securely transmitted from physician to patient wallet using NIP-17 gift wraps. Health records have their own transmittal event kind to keep segregated from regular DMs. Of course, everything is transmitted and stored securely on relays. No third party can… Tim Bouma Feb 3, 2025, 2:05 AM
nostr Data takedowns happening across US gov sites. If you think something that is published to a website will be available in perpetuity, think again. That’s where #nostr comes in. Now there is a way to publish and relay data without depending on a singular provider. It not only applies… Tim Bouma Feb 2, 2025, 3:11 AM