#MMT was born out of the insight that if you issue debt in your own currency, you have no worries about paying it off, because you simply issue more currency. Of course you need to worry about inflation (the capacity of your real economy to absorb this newly-issued currency) or how your currency will be priced in relation to other currencies (easily mitigated by capital controls). But the upshot, you as a currency issuer will never default on your debts. Billions were made on this insight, or hack, who viewed debt on self-issued currency as a risk and mispriced accordingly. The spread was as much as 2%, meaning you could make 2% risk-free.
Now the next hack is buying Bitcoin with self-issued currency. Of course, the USD as the reserve currency of choice needs to be worried about real-world valuation, but the lesser currencies, need not worry. Just look at the CAD - it is at its lowest level against the USD in 20 years. This means selling CAD for USD/Bitcoin is a no-brainer. That would include the government (they’ll never admit). If you have a weak self-issued currency like many countries, there’s really no reason not to fire up the printer and buy as much Bitcoin as you can.