fossdem2025 Another great slide from @Constant #fossdem2025 presentation. #nostr is what it is. Deal with it. That’s the way it is. Reminds of that story about the width of a modern railway track is based on the width of two horse behinds. Deal with it, don’t make a new… Tim Bouma Feb 10, 2025, 1:57 PM
nostr Sharing a screenshot from @Constant ‘s most excellent #nostr presentation. The quote “From the margins we conquer the center” is classic Marshall McLuhan (from “medium is the message”fame). A key takeaway from the presentation is that we need to compete by means of ‘horizontal network effects’ versus competing on… Tim Bouma Feb 10, 2025, 1:43 PM
For cybersecurity professionals, here's a quick quiz on ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography): Who was a co-inventor of ECC: A. Neal Koblitz B. Ron Rivest C. Adi Shamir D. Shafi Goldwasser E. Tahir ElGamal Which curve did Satoshi Nakamoto select for Bitcoin: A. secp128r1 B. secp160r1 C. secp256k1 Tim Bouma Feb 10, 2025, 11:26 AM
We need to make the Signed JSON Event with Kinds (SJEK) as boring as the ISO 8061 Date Format.… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 1:58 PM
nostr ‘Signed JSON Relayed Over Websockets (SJROWS)’ - my latest attempt at trying to make #nostr sound as technically boring as possible.… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 1:52 PM
The next two big tweaks needed for the win: Signed JSON over websockets (NOSTR) Blinded doublespend proofs (Cashu) I’m 💯 in. Are you?… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 12:26 PM