Tim Bouma | Independent Thinker | Pug Lover | Published Author | #SovEng Alum | #Cashu OG | #OpenSats Grantee https://tim-bouma.npub.pro/ 100 posts
fossdem2025 Another great slide from @Constant #fossdem2025 presentation. #nostr is what it is. Deal with it. That’s the way it is. Reminds of that story about the width of a modern railway track is based on the width of two horse behinds. Deal with it, don’t make a new… Tim Bouma Feb 10, 2025, 1:57 PM
nostr Sharing a screenshot from @Constant ‘s most excellent #nostr presentation. The quote “From the margins we conquer the center” is classic Marshall McLuhan (from “medium is the message”fame). A key takeaway from the presentation is that we need to compete by means of ‘horizontal network effects’ versus competing on… Tim Bouma Feb 10, 2025, 1:43 PM
For cybersecurity professionals, here's a quick quiz on ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography): Who was a co-inventor of ECC: A. Neal Koblitz B. Ron Rivest C. Adi Shamir D. Shafi Goldwasser E. Tahir ElGamal Which curve did Satoshi Nakamoto select for Bitcoin: A. secp128r1 B. secp160r1 C. secp256k1 Tim Bouma Feb 10, 2025, 11:26 AM
We need to make the Signed JSON Event with Kinds (SJEK) as boring as the ISO 8061 Date Format.… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 1:58 PM
nostr ‘Signed JSON Relayed Over Websockets (SJROWS)’ - my latest attempt at trying to make #nostr sound as technically boring as possible.… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 1:52 PM
The next two big tweaks needed for the win: Signed JSON over websockets (NOSTR) Blinded doublespend proofs (Cashu) I’m 💯 in. Are you?… Tim Bouma Feb 9, 2025, 12:26 PM
In theory, I like the idea of webAuthn but I am becoming increasingly wary of platform-based authentication methods. Now that I can implement my own with npubs (much simpler BTW and no third-party auth providers) it’s become a ‘no thanks’ for me.… Tim Bouma Feb 8, 2025, 11:41 AM
Remember the time when everybody was putting everything in Gantt charts? I hope that time never returns.… Tim Bouma Feb 8, 2025, 11:24 AM
It’s pretty clear to me that the basis of Western Civilization, the private self of the individual is under attack. The ‘private self’ did not really exist until the Greeks invented the phonetic alphabet. The massive efficiency of the alphabet (as opposed to cuneiform ), enabled the great works, mostly… Tim Bouma Feb 8, 2025, 11:17 AM
nostr This is from a paper I wrote back in 2019 (and it’s actually published in a book!) before #nostr was invented. You can see why I was floored by @fiatjaf ‘s invention because it put the ‘locus of control’ back into the hands of the user. In terms of… Tim Bouma Feb 8, 2025, 10:57 AM