Tim Bouma | Independent Thinker | Pug Owner | Published Author | #SovEng Alum | #Cashu OG | #OpenSats Grantee https://tim-bouma.npub.pro/ 3000 posts
justevilenough Physical books are useless except as artefacts for membership.’ #justevilenough… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 11:29 PM
kompromat Remember: The first order of business of any grifter over the long run is not to gain your trust, but have you compromise your own integrity. That way, in your own mind, you become like them, and when your trust is betrayed, you think you deserved it, or worse, you… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 3:43 PM
Beware. Apparently decentralized identifier + centralized platform is now being touted as a dEcEntRaLiZeD pLaTfOrM. The funny thing is that the decentralized identifier is not even decentralized.… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 1:19 PM
nostr A primary motivation for me with #nostr #safebox is to create a completely portable ‘wallet’ (I prefer safebox) where I can store funds, secrets and proofs and invoke it from anywhere so long as I have the recovery phrase of 12 words. The concept is similar to a cold wallet, Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 12:57 PM
Now that LLMs have largely trampled over everyone’s rights, I am seeing the beginnings of a discussion by a certain global organization to give those very LLMs their own rights and gender, too! Gender is being discussed as a 32 bit integer value…… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 12:45 PM
nostr I was successful in using #nostr #safebox for this transaction. I deposited the funds using one machine (my MacBook) and using the recovery phrase, sent the funds by accessing the safebox on an entirely different machine (a vps). Not only impossible to trace the fund flow, it was impossible to… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 12:23 PM
It’s all about innovating using a better form of money. It’s like going to the moon, but now your starting place is low Earth orbit, not Cape Canaveral.… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 11:55 AM