Tim Bouma | Independent Thinker | Pug Owner | Published Author | #SovEng Alum | #Cashu OG | #OpenSats Grantee https://tim-bouma.npub.pro/ 3000 posts
FWIW, this is the nostr historical art bot I created after being rate-limited off Twitter. After 2 years it is still going strong running as a dockerized app on my little home server. It tweets art and the final days of the artist as if he was tweeting from… Tim Bouma Oct 30, 2024, 11:24 AM
A good ChatGPT summary of a book I am reading. “Voice,” “loyalty,” and “exit” are concepts developed by economist Albert Hirschman to describe the ways people respond to dissatisfaction within organizations, systems, or relationships: 1. Exit: When individuals are dissatisfied with a situation, they might choose to leave entirely. In… Tim Bouma Oct 30, 2024, 9:03 AM
The Greeks invented the phoneme, which separated the visual from the verbal. Claude Shannon invented the bit, which separated information from the physical. The phoneme and the bit are both complete abstractions that are meaningless; they serve to separate the message from the medium. My notes and own additions from… Tim Bouma Oct 29, 2024, 1:46 PM
cryptography I can't help but speculate that the similarity in titles was an oblique reference to an earlier source. #cryptography Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, 1976 "New Directions in Cryptography" Francis Bacon, 1620 "True Directions Concerning the Interpretation of Nature"… Tim Bouma Oct 29, 2024, 1:34 PM
kyc Never underestimate how #KYC restricts your freedom and changes your behaviour. Last year I purchased a drone. While on holidays, I wanted to take an aerial photo of the farm where I grew up. The app immediately warned me I was in a restricted airspace (near an airport and military… Tim Bouma Oct 28, 2024, 12:49 PM
tgfn @Niel Liesmons BTW, I listened to you with @ hodlbod on #TGFN. Super interview! 🎯… Tim Bouma Oct 28, 2024, 11:41 AM
Bitcoin is not price. Nostr is not truth. The sooner you realize the above, the more keen you will be to build systems using bitcoin and nostr that enable fair prices and truthful information.… Tim Bouma Oct 28, 2024, 11:38 AM
nostr It would be cool if an official body would publish their gazette or register using #nostr. For example, the Canada Gazette could be published via npub.pro… Tim Bouma Oct 28, 2024, 11:29 AM
How DigiCash Blew Everything In September 1998 the high-tech company DigiCash finally went bankrupt. The office in Palo Alto, California remained open for a while but it was merely a stay of execution. Two months ago the company filed for Chapter 11.Nobody realizes, but with the "pending Tim Bouma Oct 28, 2024, 9:52 AM
nostr The potential of #nostr is (ae)^2: (authentic endpoints) * (anonymous ecash)… Tim Bouma Oct 27, 2024, 8:25 PM