A digital wallet can exist independently in the #nostr network (see details in linked post below)

The major implication here is that a ‘digital wallet’ can exist as three separate and independent components: 1) the nsec, 2) the code, and 3) the data. All useless on their own until the nsec holder brings them together into a trusted execution environment of their choice. Further, the data can be replicated to any relay at will, reducing the reliance on any one relay should it become hostile or captured.

IMHO, this is true self-sovereignty- I need no longer rely on any one app, device or service. Also, I believe this invalidates the approach of those ‘digital wallet apps’ that the EU and other countries want to regulate on your phone for your ‘safety’. With this approach, you don’t even need a phone, or any device for that matter.

Eventually, someone will create a DVM to provide the trusted execution environment that you need to pay others, prove yourself, and zap anything under sun.

Still in the raw prototype phase, but I have proved to my satisfaction that the concept is valid and feasible. I’ll be working hard to make something usable soon.

All #opensource, of course, and gladly looking for other reference implementations once the functionality and specifications are stabilized and documented.

#unstoppable nostr:note10wuauczvs36sc3st94y9ajexnp46py5em2fuglvrtmkaqfqzruvqq054s0