Excellent points made by Svetski. We are still early…

The reason I am here on #nostr because I feel the same vibe of what it was like in 1993, before the web went big in 1995 (Netscape IPO). I haven’t felt that vibe for over 30 years and now it’s back on #nostr.

Back then, corporate websites were managed by ‘webmasters’, usually by folks who took time out of their D&D gaming to learn html. Big Newspapers dabbled in html websites, but nobody thought they would replace that thing that landed in your driveway every morning.

Fast forward, 30+ years, I can honestly say that I believe we are on the cusp of something new. Back then, it was about information being immediately available everywhere. Now it’s about authenticity+money being available everywhere - baked in the protocol for you to judge and decide - not part of a commercial platform who does that for you.

Who knows what the future will bring? I am confident that I don’t know, but I am willing to be a ‘possibilian’ - trying out possibilities, building/experimenting whether they work out or not.

In the end, those who are asking for first class services on the Wright Bros. Airline, they might not get it, brothers are still getting the plane off the ground.

Be patient. Be positive. Be a possibilian! nostr:note1e8gzpmeum8tqzqg6sjkuxge7v764h9x49n7e000as0x40lpekazqfhwk8f