With #nostr, the network is the app.
Ironically, the best way to solve the problem of massive data breaches is to have the data out in the open to begin with. Relays can do this job. How you protect the data is to not view the data as being in a single container protected by a single…...
I am still coming to term with #nostr having a radically different architecture that requires a radically different thinking mode on how you build apps. The latest radical insight is that the network becomes the database. Any database record you generate can be a #nostr event that is signed, relayed,...
You know how a flat-earther feels when they finally realize the world is round? That’s how I felt when I realized with #nostr that data can be stored everywhere.…...
Drucker: Culture eats strategy Nostr: Architecture eats government.…...
Idea for #nostr collectibles: npuppies…...