‘Notes signed and transmitted by relays’ #nostr
I’ve been saying that the other social media platforms are like open-air prisons where the warden changes the rules on a whim. The prisoners don’t know how to react other than to protect themselves leading to nasty behaviour. In #nostr, it’s completely different - everyone is their…...
Watch out for the UNRELAYERS……...
A fine poetic choice of words. Could not be better stated.…...
The golden age of decentralized government was A.D. 900-1066 (yeah, just before the Norman Conquest). The centralized government ‘innovation’ that William the Conqueror introduced was the King’s exclusive right to land, obliterating the Anglo Saxon landholding tradition from which rights originated. In the Anglo Saxon tradition - you…...
A Chaumian mint removes the ability for anyone to impose (or weaponize) ‘duty of care’ requirements. If the mint doesn’t know who the individual holder is, it’s impossible to ‘care’ for that individual holder, only the collective set of holders. That means each holder has to take on…...