indiastack This is the #IndiaStack (thanks @calvadev⚡️ ). Maybe it’s just me, but I think #nostr has this already covered with npubs, zaps and relays.… Tim Bouma Sep 25, 2024, 2:52 PM
nostr My take is that ‘truth’ exists outside of the systems we are building. What we are engineering are systems that have global consistency - nothing to do with ‘global truth’. For example, in #nostr there is no such thing as conflicting events - each has their own identity (hashed ids) signed by… Tim Bouma Sep 24, 2024, 8:09 PM
nostr Hi, @Vitor Pamplona Is NIP-82 still ongoing? I see a lot of potential for this and may start implementing it for #nostr #safebox.… Tim Bouma Sep 24, 2024, 1:49 PM
nostr Unfortunately, I think the paid relay model for broader consumer adoption is going to be a non-starter. People are used to being ‘the product’ and expect things for cheap or free: tv shows, email, etc. Eventually someone will figure out a #nostr on-boarding model. Likely, it will be… Tim Bouma Sep 23, 2024, 2:00 PM
nostr In the interim, nip05 provides a trust bridge/anchor to the legacy world. Quite simply, nip05 proves that you have some control/influence over an established reputable resource that is associated with your npub. Also, nip05 provides an entry point for those in the legacy world to enter into #nostr… Tim Bouma Sep 23, 2024, 1:09 PM
nostr Big running event in the city today. Try to get details. Local website is overwhelmed and down. Facebook no longer has news. Twitter, which used to have real-time on-the-ground tweets, now just has Diddy. Basically, nothing. A new way like #nostr can’t come soon enough.… Tim Bouma Sep 22, 2024, 12:17 PM
nostr I still pinch myself to see if I am in a dream. I can pay or zap anyone or any event in the world from my command line, using a wallet that exists only on the #nostr network. This is like doing a ‘ping’ 30 years ago; instead of receiving… Tim Bouma Sep 21, 2024, 3:53 PM
nostr For the taking - 21 sats - this is a token issued from a #nostr #safebox 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… Tim Bouma Sep 20, 2024, 12:09 AM
nostr I got zap splits working with #nostr #safebox. Fork this message and I will zap you and we will get the splits!… Tim Bouma Sep 19, 2024, 9:53 PM
nostr My primary motivation for these posts is to help clarify in my own mind what the killer use case or the killer capability that #nostr brings to the table. The social media use case we are all experiencing today, is ok - it is a great alternative to the other platforms, Tim Bouma Sep 19, 2024, 3:37 PM
nostr With #nostr the every published event is a ‘verifiable credential’ This is the big difference between other efforts where the ‘issuer-holder-verifier’ model that is bolted on top on an otherwise insecure communications infrastructure. The fundamental problem is that no matter how much engineering, or ‘bolting on’ the issue… Tim Bouma Sep 19, 2024, 1:51 PM
nostr Relay in Lithuania Mint in Singapore Code is open source Private key is self-generated on my device. This is #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Sep 16, 2024, 11:25 PM
nostr The idea is right, the architecture is wrong. Need to build on #nostr instead.… Tim Bouma Sep 16, 2024, 3:09 PM
nostr NOSTR SAFEBOX UPDATE Lots of great progress on #nostr #safebox this weekend. An installation of a #strfry test relay revealed that I had some incompatibilities that I had to fix (fixed). I also optimized my event read/write routines which were causing timeouts on other relays. I am testing on… Tim Bouma Sep 16, 2024, 11:48 AM
ecash I've concluded that #ecash on #nostr is vastly superior to any payment system out there and it will win in the long run. Now it's a matter of implementation and adoption. Now I'd like to tackle another area - digital credentials. It has become vastly Tim Bouma Sep 14, 2024, 12:38 PM
nostr It’s interesting to see how the EU is trying to graft a complicated verifiable payment instruction credential on top of the existing payment infrastructure. Meanwhile, with #nostr, we have built a native network payment capability with #sats, #zaps and #ecash. It’s hard not to see how #nostr is… Tim Bouma Sep 13, 2024, 11:50 AM
nostr Every event in the history of #nostr is potentially zappable.… Tim Bouma Sep 12, 2024, 11:23 PM
nostr Does anyone else see what I see? This is supposedly the latest and greatest by the Cloud Signature Consortium, but I see a major problem is they are still combining signatures with web of trust and this combining is a single point of failure. As I mentioned in my earlier… Tim Bouma Sep 12, 2024, 12:10 PM
nostr 30 years ago, Mosaic made it easy to read stuff on the internet. Today, #nostr now makes it easy to trust stuff on the internet. Why? Back in the day, the browser separated content from presentation, and the content containers (i.e., websites) were open by default with hyperlinks. Fast… Tim Bouma Sep 12, 2024, 11:39 AM
nostr 30 years ago, Netscape Network Navigator was released. It was considered a toy, alongside AOL and Compuserve, but made the internet open and easy to use. Same vibe for #nostr today. We are so early.… Tim Bouma Sep 12, 2024, 10:50 AM