nostr No machine should be left behind in the revolution. #nostr #safebox binary executables WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL… Tim Bouma Sep 30, 2024, 2:47 PM
nostr For the brave who want to try out #nostr #safebox binaries for Mac or Ubuntu. Totally experimental. No guarantees… Tim Bouma Sep 30, 2024, 1:40 PM
nostr It's only a matter if time when machines and processes will begin to natively transact with one another. No banks needed, outside of government reach. I just proved this possibility by adding a binary executable to my os. Machine to machine payments will be as ubiquitous as curl. Tim Bouma Sep 29, 2024, 4:21 PM
safebox I copied the #safebox binary to /usr/bin in one of my Ubuntu cloud instances and boom, the machine is ready for business! Amazing! So long you have the generated nsec in out of band storage, you have access to the funds.… Tim Bouma Sep 28, 2024, 3:24 PM
nostr Once again, pinching myself on the freakish progress I've been making on #nostr #safebox. Today, I got a QR code working from the terminal command line app and I managed to compile standalone binaries for both Mac and Ubuntu. With the binary, I deposited sats via the QR Tim Bouma Sep 27, 2024, 8:04 PM
nostr How retro is that? Generating a QR in a ssh terminal command line app. 21st Century - here we come!!! #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Sep 27, 2024, 5:22 PM
nostr My Cashu wallet project. Any funds gratefully accepted and will be used to offset travel costs so I can meet the other Cashu devs in person #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Sep 27, 2024, 12:28 PM
nostr Hi, @Vitor Pamplona Is NIP-82 still ongoing? I see a lot of potential for this and may start implementing it for #nostr #safebox.… Tim Bouma Sep 24, 2024, 1:49 PM
nostr I still pinch myself to see if I am in a dream. I can pay or zap anyone or any event in the world from my command line, using a wallet that exists only on the #nostr network. This is like doing a ‘ping’ 30 years ago; instead of receiving… Tim Bouma Sep 21, 2024, 3:53 PM
nostr For the taking - 21 sats - this is a token issued from a #nostr #safebox 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… Tim Bouma Sep 20, 2024, 12:09 AM
nostr I got zap splits working with #nostr #safebox. Fork this message and I will zap you and we will get the splits!… Tim Bouma Sep 19, 2024, 9:53 PM
nostr Relay in Lithuania Mint in Singapore Code is open source Private key is self-generated on my device. This is #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Sep 16, 2024, 11:25 PM
nostr NOSTR SAFEBOX UPDATE Lots of great progress on #nostr #safebox this weekend. An installation of a #strfry test relay revealed that I had some incompatibilities that I had to fix (fixed). I also optimized my event read/write routines which were causing timeouts on other relays. I am testing on… Tim Bouma Sep 16, 2024, 11:48 AM
nostr NOSTR SAFEBOX FUNDING PAGE IS LIVE!!! We are live, folks! A @Geyser fund page has been set up to accept payments for the #nostr #safebox project. The very first contribution came from an anonymous safebox (well, that was me testing...) I am working on this project regardless of the funding. Tim Bouma Sep 11, 2024, 7:10 PM
nostr Replicating a #nostr #safebox instance Created a brand new #safebox on my MacBook. Added funds via Lightning Replicate the #safebox to another arbitrary rely. Created another #safebox on a completely Linux/Ubuntu machine. Set the existing nsec and point to the replicate relay. Spent/zapped using new wallet instance. Went… Tim Bouma Sep 9, 2024, 1:52 PM
nostr I just proved another cool concept with #nostr #safebox. The idea is that the data is completely portable and can migrate to other relays. If the relay I am using becomes unreliable or hostile, I can simply replicate/migrate the data (the proofs and related data) to other relays and… Tim Bouma Sep 8, 2024, 4:27 AM
safebox I love field testing. My favorite is airport wifi. Successfully created a new #safebox, added funds, and zapped a randomly selected event (actually, @Vitor Pamplona's latest post) It all works. The relay is somewhere in the US, the mint is in Singapore - working together to provide the services Tim Bouma Sep 6, 2024, 4:56 PM
nostr Massively productive holiday, so far. Long hikes during the day, thinking about coding issues, then a couple hours of coding in the evening. So far, for #nostr #safebox: ecash multi-mint support Lightning invoice send/receive Lightning address send Lightning address receive via ecash DMs Zap event Home relay optimatization… Tim Bouma Sep 4, 2024, 2:49 PM
nostr Once again, pretty chuffed I got #nostr #safebox to do zaps from funds that it is holding. The commandline looks like this $safebox zap <amount> <eventidhex> -c "this is a zap comment! "… Tim Bouma Sep 2, 2024, 9:33 PM
nostr So very cool! An unexpected feature of zapping from a #nostr #safebox is the ability to include a custom message with the zap. I included one foe @PABLOF7z below. In case you are wondering about the identity of the zapper, it's the identity of the #safebox that lives Tim Bouma Sep 1, 2024, 7:03 AM