nostr Hi folks, A quick update. I am still hard at work on #nostr #safebox aiming for a release in Feb or Mar 2025. Right now, I am focusing on NIP-60 compatibility, so it can be used in other clients. I am excited for the longer-term vision of creating… Tim Bouma Jan 3, 2025, 1:42 PM
nostr I’ve been thinking about this a lot… The combination of Bitcoin/Cashu/Nostr enables the emergence of a global deposit and transfer mechanism that is independent of any existing financial system. That is what I am trying to build with #nostr #safebox. In studying the systems that existed before… Tim Bouma Dec 31, 2024, 12:22 PM
nostr As I work on #nostr #safebox I am seeing some interesting convergence. For example I have implemented the two following commands: $ safebox pay <amount> <lightning address>$ safebox zap <amount> <nip05 address|npub> Both commands Tim Bouma Nov 25, 2024, 3:26 PM
monstr @El_monty grateful for the #monstr library! It’s what I am using to build #nostr #safebox.… Tim Bouma Nov 22, 2024, 12:19 PM
nostr This is a #nostr #safebox zap to a nip05 address. Doesn't look like much but there is a lot going behind the scenes. The npub is resolved using nip05, the kind 0 event is looked up and the lud16 is taken from the profile. A lightning invoice is Tim Bouma Nov 22, 2024, 2:18 AM
nostr Since #nostr #safebox is coming along nicely, I am thinking about what the requirements would be for a corresponding #safeboxrelay. I have stood up my own strfry instance for testing. It is working really well, and I test random relays using So far, I haven’t identified any… Tim Bouma Nov 21, 2024, 5:44 PM
nostr A primary motivation for me with #nostr #safebox is to create a completely portable ‘wallet’ (I prefer safebox) where I can store funds, secrets and proofs and invoke it from anywhere so long as I have the recovery phrase of 12 words. The concept is similar to a cold wallet, Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 12:57 PM
nostr I was successful in using #nostr #safebox for this transaction. I deposited the funds using one machine (my MacBook) and using the recovery phrase, sent the funds by accessing the safebox on an entirely different machine (a vps). Not only impossible to trace the fund flow, it was impossible to… Tim Bouma Nov 19, 2024, 12:23 PM
nostr This was my first real world purchase using #nostr #safebox. Thanks to 🎨 for being such a gracious merchant for an experimental payment system. The whole transaction was conducted via #Amethyst NIP-17 DMs and payment made via #Nostr #Safebox… Tim Bouma Nov 18, 2024, 8:41 PM
nostr I just got safebox recover working (not yet ready for user testing yet). I can create a safebox on any machine (my macbook, for example) - find the recovery phrase and go to any other machine, a linux vps that have the safebox binarie and type, for example ./safebox recover " Tim Bouma Nov 18, 2024, 3:18 PM
nostr I am looking to attend an in-person #nostr conference in 2025, hopefully as a presenter as well on my project #nostr #safebox. Any suggestions? #asknostr… Tim Bouma Nov 18, 2024, 3:09 PM
nostr The digital wallet industry has this idea that you want to store everything in their wallet (I say ‘their’ because it’s really a government-approved app). Nothing can be further from the truth. A wallet evolved to carry coins (payment) that could easily hidden or defended on the person. Tim Bouma Nov 18, 2024, 12:30 PM
nostr Now, four handy ways to pay with #nostr #safebox The user need not care about the underlying transport safebox zap <amount> <noteid|npub|nip05> safebox pay <amount> <lnaddress>safebox send <amount& Tim Bouma Nov 17, 2024, 2:36 PM
nostr The reason I’ve become super hot on zaps is because it’s a great abstraction for generalize payment. I’m currently implementing an improvement to #nostr #safebox where the zap command detects whether the destination is a note or a npub and handles the transaction accordingly. The user need… Tim Bouma Nov 17, 2024, 1:07 PM
nostr Very cool. It’s a link to an event which you scan via your camera app; it asks to open to your default app, which hopefully you can zap from. I also tried directly from a Lightning wallet, it got confused. We may need to standardize something so… Tim Bouma Nov 16, 2024, 3:37 PM
nostr Totally excited that I got an instance of ditto up and running. Even more excited that I can use the relay as the backend for #nostr #safebox But I still need help to grok how I can use this to make a real difference for a community. Advice, examples, most… Tim Bouma Nov 16, 2024, 1:21 PM
ditto Well this is f***ing cool! I spun up #ditto server from @Alex Gleason 🐍 and used the in-built relay to send payments from a #nostr #safebox. Worked flawlessly!… Tim Bouma Nov 15, 2024, 8:14 PM
nostr That zap was just over $300 CAD I am proving to myself that zaps can become a universal payment system that works equally well for a single sat or a fiat payment in the thousands (millions). The note I zapped could have been an invoice event with instant reconciliation. That… Tim Bouma Nov 15, 2024, 1:52 PM
nostr This is so cool. I gotta try this. I am planning something similar for #nostr #safebox where you register the npub and links an address to receive payments.… Tim Bouma Nov 13, 2024, 9:34 AM