nostr This thing is starting to feel real! Over the past few days I have sent almost 1M sats through the payment network as zaps, dms, ln invoices and cashu tokens. #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Nov 12, 2024, 10:20 PM
nostr Deposit funds in #nostr #safebox Send funds via DM to another #nostr #safebox instance Pay out funds to zap, invoice or lightning address. The result, #untraceable.… Tim Bouma Nov 11, 2024, 1:59 PM
nostr Here is a command line taste of sending an ecash token from one npub to another using #nostr #safebox. The #safebox instance on the right is listening for NIP-17 messsges containing Cashu tokens. The #safebox instance on the left is sending 1 sat to the npub via the command… Tim Bouma Nov 11, 2024, 12:38 PM
nostr Running #nostr #safebox ecash transactions between different nodes using NIP-17 as the transport and using random relays around the world. Transactions are cleared and funds transferred between wallets without even touching the Lightning Network. It all works. Wild, just wild.… Tim Bouma Nov 11, 2024, 2:31 AM
cashu About four years ago, I went deep on central banking and monetary operations. Just over two years ago #Cashu came along, then I discovered #nostr. I realized you could build an entirely new monetary and payments infrastructure using Bitcoin as the base layer, and something that could rival the likes… Tim Bouma Nov 10, 2024, 12:44 PM
nostr Hear me out. Credit is not a bad thing. It enables the monetary system to expand and contract when necessary. This was the case in Canada where the private banking system could issue notes that were redeemed at par at the competing banks. This was especially important during harvest season… Tim Bouma Nov 10, 2024, 12:30 PM
nostr Testing zaps of amounts approaching $250 USD to demonstrate that #nostr can become a serious payments system. I'm testing with #nostr #safebox that stores the funds in relays in the form of Chaumian ecash proofs. It is working like a charm. I believe that this can become a Tim Bouma Nov 10, 2024, 1:21 AM
nostr Achievement unlocked! I tested a 100k zap which is about $104CAD. A bit nerve-wracking to be testing bigger and bigger amounts, but #nostr #safebox is working as it should be!… Tim Bouma Nov 8, 2024, 8:47 PM
nostr Achievement unlocked! Successfully tested a 10k zap with #nostr #safebox. Went through with no problem. Next up is a 100k zap.… Tim Bouma Nov 8, 2024, 4:18 PM
nostr I’ve really distilled it down to this: If you can pay and publish with your npub, you can be truly sovereign. This simple statement didn’t just jump out me, it was the accumulation of years of hard work and thinking. Plus, I kept adjusting and refining my vision… Tim Bouma Nov 8, 2024, 12:12 PM
safebox So I’ve created a #safebox daemon that listens for incoming ecash on #nostr. What a time to be alive.… Tim Bouma Oct 25, 2024, 3:45 PM
nostr Yesterday, I managed to get #nostr #safebox running as a daemon, listening to NIP-17 messages, parsing out and accepting #Cashu tokens sent by another #safebox instance. This proves I can send funds directly between wallet processes! All still very experimental, but proving that it works!… Tim Bouma Oct 23, 2024, 12:34 PM
nostr I am in the process of creating a #nostr #safebox daemon that can run as a separate process to generate NUT-18 payment requests and accept payments via NIP-17. Excited about this because the daemon will almost be like a lightning node but instead uses mints and relays as… Tim Bouma Oct 21, 2024, 4:08 PM
nsec Every IoT device, if it can store a #nsec, should be able to send and receive payments by default. That’s my vision for #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Oct 18, 2024, 7:06 PM
nostr I am building #nostr #safebox Every machine should be a spending and savings machine. Coming to a command line near you $>safebox… Tim Bouma Oct 18, 2024, 1:33 PM
nostr Soon, every machine will be able to directly send and receive money with any another machine on the planet. #nostr #safebox… Tim Bouma Oct 16, 2024, 7:30 PM
nostr I just can’t get enough of this completely retro green-screen way of getting money into a #nostr #safebox!… Tim Bouma Oct 16, 2024, 7:26 PM
nostr I am pinching myself on how NUTS (pardon the pun) this is. Every #nostr #safebox instance becomes its own payment, clearing and settlement engine. A #safebox can send ecash directly to any other #safebox, it can receive ecash, swap it for new tokens or clear out the funds to any… Tim Bouma Oct 16, 2024, 6:18 PM